How to get THE MOST out of Summer Trainings (or at least not waste your time)!

Welcome, educators, to Summer School (for people who already have bachelor’s degrees)!

A time to bask in the sun and ignite your professional development journey like a tiki torch at your annoying uncle’s summer bar-b-que!

Now that you have the time to use the restroom WHENEVER YOU WANT, I was to honor your valuable time with a few practical tips and resources to make the most of your summer professional development trainings.

This summer, let’s make a pact to get better and HAVE FUN!

  1. Take Good Notes Let’s be honest, how much do you actually implement from a summer PD session during the school year? Probably not a whole ton. However, if you’re organized with your notes during sessions, you can (a) share and collaborate with your team, (b) show your principal what you did (or didn’t) get out of it, and (c) easily locate it in August!

RELATED FREE RESOURCE - Summer PD Notes Template!

2. Connect and Collaborate: Take advantage of your summer trainings to connect with like-minded educators and build collaborative networks, in-person AND online! Legit, one of the best educator networks I’ve ever been a part of is #TeachersofTikTok. Find your people, share your stories, and encourage each other! Plus, joke around a lil bit during these trainings. A little laughter and humor can go a long way in fostering meaningful connections.

RELATED RESOURCE - 2021 TikTok Teacher Conference (6 hours of PD)

3. Craft Your Personal Story: As you engage in professional development activities, reflect on your journey as an educator. Discover the unique experiences that have shaped YOU, and weave those narratives into your teaching philosophy. Embrace the power of your story to inspire and connect with your students on a deeper level. Every resource you get, always think “how does apply to ME?”

4. Embrace Technology and Innovation: Stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and innovative teaching methods. Not ALL of them, but at least enough to save yourself time and know when students are cheating using tech. Attend sessions that explore new tools, platforms, and strategies. Even if you don’t become and expert in a new program, learn enough to hand it to your students and let THEM become experts!

RELATED RESOURCE - ChatGPT in Education (3 hours of PD)

5. Take Breaks and Recharge: Amidst the whirlwind of professional development, remember to take breaks and recharge. Go for a walk, indulge in your favorite hobbies, or simply enjoy a good laugh with colleagues (ideally not at the presenter’s expense 😂). A refreshed mind is a catalyst for creativity and growth!!

RELATED FREE RESOURCE - Teacher Mental Health Best Practices (3 hours of PD) Click then hit “Subscribe”

Embrace the unexpected.

Connect with fellow educators.

Tell your unique story.

Let’s make this the BEST (and most useful) summer of PD we’ve ever had!

Never stop learning,

Dr. T

P.S. I’m doing 10 PD sessions LIVE this summer! That means you can ask questions and join the conversation, all from the comfort of your own home office (aka dat couch life). Get your principal to get it for you here, or for your entire building here!


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