"Go See the Principal" by Gerry Brooks // Book Review




Seriously though, I read a book by an education internet sensation. That’s right, I read a book by none other than the illustrious GERRY (pronounced Gary) BROOKS!

You’ve probably heard of him. If not, you’ve definitely seen him. He’s a principal who makes humorous (and eerily accurate) videos commenting on all things education!

Going into it, I didn’t know how he’d tie it together and give value. After reading it, I can confirm he did just that. I love his approach to education and found that what I valued most in a school when I was a principal was parallel to what he articulated. This book is for administrators, teachers, and parents!!

Enough of the chit-chat, Tyler. GET TO THE REVIEW!!

Okay, chill!

Here’s my Book Review of Gerry’s book: Go See the Principal!!!

<div class="sqs-video-wrapper" data-provider-name="YouTube" data-html="[youtube=://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J21heuVFJSE&w=854&h=480]">

Wow, that was good.

Thanks for sticking with the ENTIRE VIDEO!

Seriously, I trust you that much to know you watched it in full, liked it, and subscribed! We’re family now!!!

Just in case you haven’t seen Gerry’s videos, here’s a little taste test:

<div class="sqs-video-wrapper" data-provider-name="YouTube" data-html="[youtube=://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IglhSNNk7Qk&w=640&h=480]">

Thank you, Gerry, for writing the book and for encouraging (and entertaining) educators around the world!!

Thanks for your time and attention!