Google Cheat Sheet for Teachers

What up you wonderful educators!

So I was thinking of this smorgasbord of resources I’ve made over the past decade for Google and virtual learning.

It makes complete sense to me where all of it is, but it may seem scattered to you guys.

So I organized it all in one Doc!

Click Here for my Google Cheat Sheet for Teachers!

Share/copy/forward to anyone you want!!

Seriously, PLEASE take this and share it with any teachers you think it might help!

I appreciate all of you.

OH YEAH! Almost forgot. I got a free text group where I can send you resources when I make new ones! It’s completely free to you, just text “teacher to 501-214-4071.

Thank you to the moon and back!


Google Cheat Sheet for STUDENTS!


Teatime with Tyler // Live Google Tutorials + Q&A!